Daddy's back from his whistle-stop tour of American cities, bringing me toys on the way. Was Grandpa's birthday yesterday and he got presents too. Generally, I just spent the weekend charming everyone.
Had to stay in bed "until my legs fix because they are too tired to be bendy at the moment as I just haven't had quite enough sleep"
Explained that there was "no point cleaning my teeth because I want them to fall out so that my big teeth can come"
Would not wear sunglasses because "everything looks pink and surreal"
Refused a bed time story because I was "perfectly happy reading all by myself thank you"
Poured water all over my bed because I was growing a sunflower
Used sudocrem to clean the fish tank
Word of the week
This week's "Lessons with Nana" have been all about whether things are natural or manufactured. I had to collect things from around the house and garden that fitted into the two categories. Mummy is glad we have moved on from fuel because last week I kept telling her I was 'dehydrated' at midnight!
The Lulu lobbies
Campaigning for
A bike
Purple nailvarnish
A pink bedroom
Watching Fantastic Mr Fox daily
Staying up later
The supporting cast
Lil' Bro
I like to call him 'BaldyHead' or 'AttyBucky' (which is my word for naughty). He's not actually bald anymore and we do have a larf together. We particularly like playing 'Olympics' (a 100m dash), 'TickleMonster' (Mum chasing us around the place) and I try to get him to re-enact 'Fantastic Mr Fox' especially saying "What the cuss...". He's quite nice really (although I find that I simply have to hit him on the head a lot ... but as I keep trying to explain to Mummy, we're just playing at goodies and baddies.)
Duchess D'Arcy
This is my blog. A veritable cacophony of capers, cackling and all round crackpot stuff. Hope you enjoy reading about my developments and tales of derring-do.
To bring you up-to-speed. I am 2 and a half, my favourite colour is purple and I'm a whizz at dancing, doing jigsaws and throwing myself to the floor if you don't adore me. I have a Little Brother and two Big Parents -- I permit them to reside in my kingdom. I like to singsong my way through the day and run rather than walk. I also like stacking things and I can truffle out chocolate faster than you can say 'salagadoolamenchikaboolabibedeebobedeeboo'.
I'm a creature of habit and every Sunday I play 'BigCookLittleCook' with my Dad so that we have plenty of 'yummy zanya' (that's lasagne to you civilians) in the freezer. And daily I insist that Mummy dances while I jump on my trampoline to the sophisticated accompaniment of 'bidee biddee bumbum' (some French ditty) and shout the phrase which ultimately summarises my life -- "look at me, I'm cute".
If you dare to disobey my wishes, you will be instructed to "go in the door, go in the door". I'm not sure why I must say it twice, but as I also like to say, 'there you go ... "
If there is a flurry of postings from me, you can be sure that my Mummy is procrastinating away from a deadline.
Enjoy reading my diary as much as I enjoy creating the stories for it.
A new baby!
Mummy's friend, Laura, had a baby on Saturday ... stand up on your chairs and shout Hooray! Welcome to the world Arthur!
Choo choooo
Mummy and me
Existential questions
Is it a spot or a freckle?
Is sheepy a boy or a girl?
Love to sing
Current fave songs
R Kelly -- ignition (hmm)
Tikkabilla opposites song
The boy I love
Sing a rainbow
Bye bye blackbird
I am in control here
and I am NOT going...
to get dressed
to the park...
to eat supper
to school...
to bed...
Brilliantly bookish
Current fave reads
The Gruffalo's child
Goodnight moon
The tiger who came to tea
Each, peach, pear, plum
Mr Tall
If my Dad were a dog
Do princesses scrape their knees?
I'm not scared!
To cut or not to cut...
Should I
Dad stuff
Dad and me ...
Jump very high
Bake yummy cakes
Go to Ruggerbugs
Recycle every Saturday morning
Climb on the rocks
Build dens when it rains
Singing me
Current favourite songs
The wheels on the bus
You are my sunshine
Blowing bubbles
Bind us together
Walk in the light
Peppa Pig
Bidee boom boom (French)
When Santa got stuck
Zipedee doo dah
I like to ...
Current favourite things ...
Running in circles
Reading everything I can
Practicing my BIG FINISH dancing
Jumping on 'MummyDaddyBed'
Signing with Justin
Special treats at Granny's
Baking cakes with Dad
First School Report
"Delilah is a very happy little girl who is really beginning to settle into nursery life. She joins in with all activities and particularly enjoys painting, sticking and getting messy! Delilah plays with a variety of toys in class and some of her favourites include the Teletubbies and the trains. She also enjoys playing outside in the garden and spends much of her time on the slide and playing in the sand. Delilah is a very sweet little girl and she has been a pleasure to have in class."
I absolutely will NOT
Have jam on the toast - side only
Be corrected
Use a cup selected by MammaLou
Wear gloves
Eat anything with egg in
In excess
I have sooooooo much stuff and really don't need any more. But other children in the world are not as lucky as me. So we have decided to support the 'Sunday Times' Christmas Appeal and go 'superskinny' on the present front. Forget the list below ... please put the money you would spend on a gift for me to the following instead ...
What your money can do instead in Liberia
£1 - buys a vaccination that will save a child's life
£5 - gets a mozzy net for the whole family to prevent malaria
£10 - buys a child a school uniform
£25 - midwife kit to ensure safe delivery, mat, bucket, lantern, soap (a mother dies every 6h after childbirth due to lack of basic care)
£30 - baby box of everything a new baby and mother needs (2 babies die within their first week because of lack of the basics)
Asking Santa nicely
Christmas wish list
Wooden jigsaws
Anything creative that I can stick!
Paint sets
Stickers galore!
Night Garden Pinky Ponk
A cheese and tomato spider - Nick Sherrat
Ketchup on your cornflakes - Nick Sherrat
Shark in the park - Nick Sherrat
The elephant and the bad baby - Elfrida Vipont
We're going on a bear hunt - Michael Rosen
The tiger who came to tea - Judith Kerr
Hug - Jez Alborough
My colourful life!
My latest developments
Running is my favourite thing
I love to dance
I yabber most of the day
Mr Men books rock -- I like Mr Greedy
I am pretty fabulous at jigsaws
Coy to get chocolate - me?
My cool Mum
We're in an article on entrepre-mums cos MammaLou is a whizz setting up her new business ( and chairing the first EU conference on industry-physician interactions this week. Did I mention that she's also 8 months into growing my brother? WOWEEEE. Goooooo Mamma!!!
People who don't use the words less and few correctly
The word pulchritude
Being over-blonded by poor Colourists
People who thow cigarette butts and think they magically disappear
Rubbish UK sales assistants
Winter - lets go to bed till March
People with more ego than sense
The supporting cast
Catholic -- moi?
Max -- my best friend
He's so cool -- we have fun
First Birthday Highlights
Attention for me all day
Cool pressies including a zebra!
A big chocolate cake
Family lunch with a yellow bubbles n balloons theme
Mr Schneezel
Little Girl Now
One is done and here we are, still learning together how best we can be. You and me; Little Girl now. Oh beautiful bee, so endearingly incomplete; you are buzzing to foretell every sweet dream awaiting fulfilment -- although you can comically coat all these parental longings with your strengthening touches of independence that already sparkle more than your infant luminescence should chronologically permit. We mark your times and gains in increments of calendar bites and will-she-wobbles. When in front of our eyes is an unfinished masterpiece of every lovely colour just waiting for A guiding stroke, to be blended and passionately placed On tomorrow’s blank canvas.
Messy -- moi?
Delightful - moi?
Adorable - moi?
My favourite outfits
My Baptism Dress
Moo cow romper suit
Baby legwarmers
Yellow stripy dress
Preppy shirt under tank combo
Dungers ... I'm a tomboy!
Demanding - moi?
My giggle chart
The word ban-an-a
Mummy's feet -- hysterics abound
Dizzy dolly spinning
Throwing me in the air
Cute - moi?
My top tunes
Round and round the garden
The Gnu Song
Nellie the Elephant
Mmmna mmmna (from the Muppet Show)
Horsey horsey ...
Destined for greatness -- moi?
My firsts
Birthday -- September 30th!
Walk -- September 25th
Crawl forward -- May 23rd
"DaDa" -- May 20th
B2F rollover -- March 07
Sleep thru -- day 68!
Giggle -- February 07
Smile -- October 06
My favourite things
Sleepy Rabbit's soft ears
Lasagne (Daddy is so thilled)
Pulling Mummy's hair (ha -- think you can go to Champneys and leave Daddy to dress me so dreadfully!)
Mr Schneezel the green bogey teddy (altogether now, aitchoo aitchoo aitchoo)
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