Friday, 29 May 2009

Like a big girl

I CAN'T do it (followed by dramatically throwing myself to the floor) has been replaced by me saying "I can do it!" Mummy is v pleased with my positive frame of mind as it speaks to her favourite quote -- whether you think you can. or think you can't -- you're right. Now if she could remember who to credit that to rather than having a swiss-cheese for brains that would be dandy.

I also am following this up frequently with the observation " a big girl..."

MammaLou isn't sure why I am so keen to do things for myself so soon ... but I am fiercely independent -- my third best-phrase right now is "DON'T WORRY, I can sort it out". Mammalou says if I had been in charge of the banks then the worlds would be a better place ... UN here I come.

POX UPDATE -- approximately 40 spots - "DOTS" -- and counting (but not scratching).

1 comment:

Sara Curtis said...

- If you thin you can or think you can't you are right - Henry Ford!! Get well soon xxx